Black Jack Hole
  • Dive Sites

A sloping coral reef with some dramatic shelving coral and large schools of chromis and creole wrasse, larger marine life is represented by hawksbill turtles and determined divers can find colourful seahorses amongst the soft corals. Depth: 30' - 130'

black jack
black jack
black jack
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  • Dive Sites

Drop into the ‘bowl’ with tarpon hanging suspended overhead amidst swirling white water like silver airships in the clouds, then drift along the lush reef slope while keeping an eye open for mantas and turtles. Depth: 40' - 60'

Coral Garden
  • Dive Sites

Search out turtles and green moray eels between purple vase and yellow tube sponges before coming upon the World’s largest brain coral at a depth of 55’ on the reef’s edge, being some 12’ in height and 16’ in diameter it simply can’t be missed. Depth: 40' - 60'

Japanese Garden
  • Dive Sites

Currents sweep divers past huge orange elephant ear and yellow tube sponges, to then be spat through the Kamikaze Cut amid swirling schools of fish. Listen closely to your dive leader’s briefing so as not to miss the cut which would result in a shortened dive. Depth: 40' - 80'

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